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It's Buy Back Days at Boothe's! We'll Buy Back Your Old System! 

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As homeowners, we all know how important it is to ensure the safety and comfort of our loved ones. But what happens when the power goes out due to a sudden storm or natural disaster? The lack of electricity not only disrupts our daily routines but also poses a threat to our safety. A whole house generator could be a perfect solution to this problem.


At Boothe’s Heating, Air, Plumbing, Drains & Electrical, we know that purchasing a whole home generator can be a daunting task. In this blog, we'll discuss everything you need to know about buying a whole house generator.


Investing in a whole home backup generator may seem like a significant expense, but it's a small price to pay for peace of mind. You'll never have to worry about losing power again, and your household will remain connected and comfortable during any emergency. So why wait? Talk to one of our knowledgeable team members today to learn more about how a backup generator can benefit you and your family.


What Are Standby Generators?

First and foremost, let's understand what exactly a whole home generator is and what it does. A whole home generator is a backup power source that provides an uninterrupted generator power supply to your entire house during utility power or grid power outages. It is usually connected to your home's electrical system and runs on either a natural gas fuel source, diesel fuel, or a liquid propane tank. These systems are also called standby generator units.


But how does the standby generator know when to switch on? A home standby generator is often connected to your home's electrical panel with an automatic transfer switch (ATS). Automatic transfer switches monitor your home's power supply and immediately detect when there's an outage. Once this happens, the switch disconnects your home from the grid and signals the generator to turn on.


In a matter of seconds, your home will be powered by the backup generator, ensuring that you and your family remain safe and comfortable. Standby generators can also be configured with a manual transfer switch, but in this setup, you must manually turn on the standby generator as needed.


It's worth noting that modern whole home backup generators and inverter generators are equipped with advanced technology that allows them to regulate their own power output. This means they can adjust the amount of electricity they generate according to your household's needs, ensuring that your appliances and electronics are protected from voltage spikes or dips. Plus safety features like sophisticated exhaust systems ensure your family’s safety when in use.


Portable Generators vs. A Whole Home Standby Generator

When it comes to selecting a generator for your home or business, it's essential to know the differences between portable generators and whole house standby generators. Portable generators are the most common type of generator and are typically cheaper and smaller in size. They provide power for a limited time and require manual setup every time they are needed. On the other hand, the whole home standby generator is designed for long-term use and will automatically switch on when there's a power outage. It is also larger, more powerful, and can power all of a home's appliances and electronic devices seamlessly.


Whole home standby generators are a more reliable, safer, and convenient way to protect homes and businesses against power outages. They are wired into the home's electrical system to continually monitor your power supply. This means they kick on automatically within seconds of power loss and have a much more extended runtime. With a whole house generator, there's little to no inconvenience during the period of the blackout. The generator can cover all systems and appliances in the house, including air conditioning, lights, and more.


Benefits of Installing Standby Generators

Now, the question arises - why should you invest in a standby generator? The answer lies in the benefits it provides.


  • Continuous Power Supply: With a whole home generator, you'll never have to worry about power outages disrupting your daily life. It provides uninterrupted power supply to your entire house during a power outage.

  • Protection for Your Home: When the power goes out, your home becomes vulnerable to potential damage, like frozen pipes, flooded basements, and more. A whole home generator keeps your home safe and secure during such situations by powering your sump pump, furnace, and other essential appliances.

  • Increased Home Value: Investing in a whole home generator will increase your home's value and appeal to potential buyers. It is a valuable addition that can help distinguish your home from others in the real estate market.

  • Cost-Effective: Compared to portable generators, a whole home generator is a cost-effective solution in the long run. It requires less maintenance and provides more significant benefits than a portable generator.

What Homeowners Need to Know Before Buying Standby Generators

Now that we've covered the benefits of investing in a whole home generator, let's move on to the factors you need to consider before buying one.


  • Power Capacity: The power capacity of a generator is the amount of power it can produce. You'll need to consider the size of your home, how much power you need, and the appliances you want to power during a power outage. A professional can help you determine the right capacity that suits your needs.

  • Fuel Source: Whole home generators primarily run on natural gas or propane. You'll need to determine which fuel source is easily accessible in your area and suits your budget. If you already have natural gas installed, it may be more cost effective to run a new natural gas line for the standby generator rather than choosing a unit that operates using another type of fuel.

  • Installation and Maintenance: It's crucial to ensure that the whole home generator is installed appropriately by a professional. Additionally, regular maintenance is necessary to keep the generator in top working condition.

  • Cost: The cost of the whole home generator depends on the power capacity and brand you choose. While whole home generators are an investment, it's essential to choose one that offers the best value for your money.

Get a Quote for Whole Home Generator Installation Today

A standby generator is an investment that provides several benefits to homeowners. Knowing what factors to consider before buying one can help you make an informed decision. At Boothe's, we're here to help you every step of the way. Contact us today for a free estimate, and we'll help you with your Southern Maryland whole home generator installation for your home.